1. Follow Discord's terms of service.
- This means all members must be chronologically at least 13 years old.
2. No bigotry.
- Discrimination on the basis of protected characteristics is strictly disallowed.
- From Discord's Hateful Conduct Policy Explainer:
Protected characteristics at Discord encompass various aspects, such as age; caste; color; disability; ethnicity; family responsibilities; gender; gender identity; housing status; national origin; race; refugee or immigration status; religious affiliation; serious illness; sex; sexual orientation; socioeconomic class and status; source of income; status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking; as well as weight and size.
- In addition to those listed by Discord, our protected characteristics include various alterhuman and adjacent experiences, such as species identity; alterfictional or alterfactual source; status as plural or singular; subjective age; personal theory of origin; and personal ontology or reality.
- Source here includes doubles.
- Subjective age here includes littles/syskids/child alters and age regressors.
- Personal theory of origin here includes conscious choice.
3. No sexual content.
- Do not post any text or media that a) displays genitals or b) is intended to sexually arouse.
- Additionally, the sexualization, even implicit, of people chronologically under the age of 18 is strictly disallowed.
4. Leave Internet "discourse" at the door.
- Do not engage in shipcourse, discriminatory queer discourse, syscourse, or other such things.
- Do not bring up real-world politics unless directly relevant and useful to the conversation.
5. Communicate clearly and understandably.
- For moderation purposes, the only language currently allowed is English.
- @PluralKit and @Tupperbox are to be used to indicate sincere identity, such fronters in plural systems and kinshifts. Roleplaying with them is not allowed in this particular server.
- Do not send messages using fancy "fonts". These are not fonts at all, are completely different characters entirely, and some computers cannot read or display them.
- Using these fake "fonts" in your displayname and bio, while not disallowed, is also discouraged.
- Typing quirks are welcomed. If asked to translate, please do if able or find someone else to if not.
6. Linked-to external content should generally follow our rules.
- Links to external content that violates our rules or otherwise endangers people may be subject to removal at mods' discretion.
If you find that you are discussing something that you or a conversation partner wishes to be censored, here is how to do that.
(cw: subject) ||This is text about the mentioned subject that could be upsetting or difficult to read or talk about.||
this displays as…
(cw: subject) This is text about the mentioned subject that could be upsetting or difficult to read or talk about.
Note: if something sensitive is just mentioned in passing, and not discussed, it probably doesn't need to be censored.
do's and don'ts
DO! use discord's spoiler feature to censor discussion of sensitive topics.
DON'T! censor using splatting (asterisks), leetspeak (replacing letters with numbers), or other character replacement.
DO! censor topics that you or a conversation partner wishes to be censored.
DON'T! censor real people (names, sources, body parts, scars, etc.)
DO! censor entire phrases, sentences, or even paragraphs.
DON'T! censor individual words.
DO! tell us the topic of the censored text at the beginning.
DON'T! censor the content warning or put it at the end.
These aren't enforced rules, but they are behaviors we recommend!
- Put alt text into your image uploads! When you're uploading an image, discord gives you the option to include alt text with it. You can click on this button and then write in the box a summary of the most important parts of the image.